Its the worst pain ever. If he met someone new that was competition for you, since he wasnt officially your boyfriend chances are he would try to hang out with you also- at least for a while, instead of suddenly going cold. Promise. I get there and he hardly talks to me and is really tired and says he has to to work the next day to pick up some hours. I think the explanation for what happened in your situation is actually simple. Comfortable asking him. His charm was his method of maintain this said option, call it the premium. I dont understand why they would leave it open like this. So that was sunday night, I did not hear from him at all even online. Maybe we should bring back the hard times. Ummm, nice. Married We give them our time and attention and show them what love feels like. Why would I want to do that to someone? She lives in another state, by the way. Now he doesnt text me but he liked my status only last hour.i think why is he changed so suddenly? Find someone new to spend time with, go out with your friends. He never answered. So we recently made plans to get together a couple of months ago, just a date to see how it goes, Made the date, figured out what we were going to do, and I had to hang up. I got ghosted today and i texted all night like a dumb-a. (no regrets, I do what I want) But quite honestly, I actually think this is kind of funny. this article really relates to me, as this guy i know told me he likes me one day and then the next, he just vanished without a trace. 3. Im allowing myself to date other guys and make new plans for the next stage of my life. we met again and he surprised me with a nice phone and then after that he went distant and he could not talk, text back and i thot may be he needed some alone time. I met him last July 2015 online. This whole more fish in the sea approach has dehumanised relationships. You thought it was going great, in fact, it was going awesome. Ice him out completely? Time will push it either way. I reject good guys and then this is how I get treated. Im going through this with a guy and its so not fair that he pushes me away because I WANT TO BE THERE. The last time we were together we talked for hours about every thing and anything. So glad I found this site today! 4. Why did you talk to him for 2 yrs without meeting him? So much for communication! It was not planned at all as u was in birth control and didnt want any more kids(I have 3 of my own)We will be tied because of this baby so how do you deal with that?? Keep your schedule jam-packed so there isnt a crack for him to slip right in. Mommy told them they never do anything wrong and, as a result, they do not accept consequences for their actions; He says hes with friends and they will be there for a while and to text instead. Funnily enough this made me relieved as I had thought he was a psycho :-). I even learned some tough lessons. Funny . So has he lost all physical attraction and would never want to explore us again? The second time at first I thought he was just visiting with his kids. Its now been a little over a week with absolutely no contact from his end. He talked about wanting to see my apartment and other things that would leave me to believe this would not be the last time I saw him. in other words some women i have dated became less and less someone i could be with the more i got to know them. You need to move on with your life. Thats not going to happen if youre texting him and being in constant contact with him. An immature man will find it difficult to take responsibility for his actions, thus, deciding to just abandon them and leave things on air. He had dropped a phrase that he hadnt talked like this to a girl in 7 years. Really dont take it personally, if things between you dont improve. You are obviously on here too. During our friendship I knew he had a crush on me but never pursued it for fear of having to meet him in person, so when he started talking/dating a friend of mine I backed off and ended contact with him. Its a very cruel game and I have been there more than once. If theyre doing it because they dont wanna lose us, its a dull theory, Cause they just wouldnt do it in the first place if that was the case. We are both runners. He called me right back and his voice was very shaky. Called him a coward and a complete waste of my time. I was on leave from work and he was busy renovating his home (this worked for us both) then 2 weeks ago his work was coming to an end, and when I expected this to make way fro time for us to spend together he announced he had friends visiting from overseas and would be busy that week. Take this from someone going through the same. The men there are and on Dating sites (which are all men too by the way)- only have 1 objective: sex with women. I just think he was too coward to tell me face to face that he was actually lying to me. it got worse. Does he maybe still have feelings for me? And ironically it was their idea I date other guys. Anyway, because of that, whenever I got close to a woman my terrible self esteem would sabotage me and id play games. How about you have some goddamn feelings. It shouldnt be any of our concern if the said party doesnt want to handle tough conversations. . He will come back soon. I dont have any kids. The next day he texts me Im sorry for everything. Idk what to do now though. There was reciprocation on his part, we spent 3-4 days per week together every week, except when work schedules didnt allow. I have made a promise to myself from this day on to stay away from men who text. Well this happened to me on March 5th Me and my boyfriend was dating for five month cause March 4th was our 5th month anniversary, long story short, he was supposed to take me out for dinner but never did because he came up with an excuse saying he has some running around to do,I didnt make a big fuss bout it so I let it go,we planned to go on another day and that day came by and I havent heard from him, and it wasnt like him at all. and he is 58 years old. The two that went ghost on me reappeared months down the line full of apologies and wanting another chance. I know that you were hearing wedding bells Wanna share whats going on? I say I can but only for an hour and then I have to leave. I have read others experiences here and it sounds like many have been through worse (being ghosted after months of dating/being ghosted by the same person multiple times), the burn that I felt initially was insignificant compared to what others commentators had been through. But I just dont understand the no contact thing. He told me about his problems and his family and he would always reassure me when I get insecure. I was seeing an amazing man for about 6 months. Why would you torture someone who might not be in the best place in the first place for days not knowing if you would call? Whats left? You should NEVER want to be with someone who isnt into you for YOU, and its foolish to try. He is 57 and I am 51; this isnt some lovestruck teenybopper relationship and one would think that at our age, we would know better to play games like ghosting. Hes in his mid 40s and Im in my 50s. Thanks. And you are probably inadvertently,,,without realizing itchoosing a certain type of guy. It pains me how many people have been through something like this. When I reactivated my profile on the dating site I saw that he was back on. By Sunday night, I asked if he thought I should leave. I deleted him because I didnt even want to see his name pop up in my newsfeed lol. Guys sometimes feel they are not good enough for the person they admire. He made me feel so special and told I think if more people realized that LOVE absolutely-must-come-first before ANY ideas about marriage or the rest of your life, people would be a lot happier. When a guy disappears from your life only to reappear sometime later, it can actually mean that hes too possessive. We got along great. I did sort of screw up and tried to have the talk with him a week before the spring hit. And it wouldnt feel like a big deal at all that he took off for a bit. Why would a man waste his time explaining to someone like her the reasons for his departure? Im not playing games Now hes totally avoiding me, getting someone else to help me at the counter. I have no idea why he stopped contacting me. Anyways, in our culture, we dont kiss or sleep I opened my eyes to him staring at me at one point. Funny you should say that, because I am doing sociology, and often think how this would make for great research! So it seemed as if he didnt want me to leave. Stop texting me? Rather than vanishing, what he did was leave you hanging. Hes afraid of your reaction to his rejection and cant muster the courage to tell you about it, hence he just disappears. I sent a response to say sorry to hear that and i hope it get better. Or like I said, perhaps we should bring back the hard times so we can get real men back. I pretty much pushed to meet although the agreement to go for a drink was mutual. Right now were both not living in our country. We date for 3 months. Nobody likes to be ghosted. Perhaps its just a test. So after a week I just send him an email saying goodbye. Not cuddling not a kiss and barely even a decent goodbye hug let alone sex. But then the weekend arrived and he dissapeared during three day of four I guess he ghosted. Of weeks. It is scary for us too. Looking at it, its like a black-comedy. Holly, i know this was almost a year ago, but this EXACT same thing just happened to me. Its not that these men are boys, they just dont want drama and whats isnt drama to us, sometimes is drama to them. But he thinks Im a cool girl and wants to be friends. We last spoke this past Tuesday, had plans to see each other on Wednesday, Christmas Eve. I will speak up when things feel off, not by text but face to face. It would be nice to have an explanation, but I doubt Ill get one. Then I met this other guy at class in 2014. I am actually flabbergasted at how they can act like everything is so normal when both of us know that he is screwing up badWe chatted for a while and I let the conversation trail off and did not pursue it anymore and he went back to his quiet, disappearing self..No word since then, and I pride myself on not giving in to the urge to check on him however casuallySo this is it, I will probably never hear from him, but I think Over the weekend I will be so busy with other stuff that I will be able to get my mind off himKeep yourself busyBuy yourself something pretty, get a new haircut..or indulge in some delicious gourmet icecreamAnything which will stop you from doing something stupid like reaching out to himI keep telling myself and you should doif/when they are interested they will contact usand if they dont they are not worth the importance and energy that we waste on them..Be strong, you deserve so much better :)). I wanted to let him know that he wasnt much of men by disappearing and I deserve to be treated like a lady. Then a couple of weeks later he texted me out of the blue. I have done it, too. I do wonder why alot and cant comprehend someone of his so called character would do such a cruel thing, but he did and it is what it is. I still have not contacted him, but I am on the verge. Its mainly been me texting him and he does text back when I do, but it just feels like theres something going on with him. I have not spoken to him for 6 days so yesterday, I reached out to him but he didnt answer. I mean who does that? And do this in a genuine but direct manner. The joke is on him, so whoever hes talking to now can have him and his drama. Now in her defense 90% of the ladies i meet bore me to tears, but im a creative artist/author/geek so the regular people just dont cut the mustard (same w my guy friends). He wasted all of his chances and now its time for you to get rid of him completely. Its painful to be in that situation but what youve got here screams pre-existing condition lol, as in he probably has an ex somewhere that came back into the picture. I feel like Im a likeable person. NOW IT GETS CRAZY. You will understand his true interest level. Ive been trying to get him to talk to me to explain as I dont know where I stand at all. They are definitely the biggest cowards that exist!!!! He also stated to me several times that I deserved something so much better than him and that he wasnt relationship material.Then until a month and half ago. Last year 2015 we finally went on our first date and he vanished for a couple of days, then finally texted. So a shoddy treatment of me from someone who claims to love me is not on. . I feel as if I could love him if we had a longer time together but I do very much care for him. And itll be dormant for a month or so til I text again and then it repays. Funny how dissapearance happens very often during the xmas time.I had similar situation.Did not hear a word from him for a week and then he responded to me that he wanted a peaceful xmas without a phone.But I was worried that something might have happenend to a person. He got really aggressive and said i made my choice and he would not reason. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And the only date Ive had since went down like a lead ballon (okay it wasnt that bad.but it didnt feel as enjoyable). Maybe you should wonder why? If you've been texting with a dude for say two weeks and then you stop, it's going to take him at least five or six days until he registers the change unless he's very into you. I did turn on the news and saw him on there the other day and my heart sank. Stop trying to make it happen and move on. I was a bit disappointed but I replied that it is better to be just friend. Then one day, we talked like the usual then in the evening, I sent him a message and he didnt respond. i no longer blame myself but that took a while. What would men do if women just suddenly stopped texting? While on vacation we communicated non stop, he was constantly telling me how he couldnt wait for me to be back in his arms and us living out our love together each and everyday. He made me feel so alive again. That he felt like while in his super Lgon term relationship he had regretted not doing things an if he got iyo one with me, th same would happen. His self esteem couldnt handle it. Well I think its only me but thats why I cant let him go just yet. I dont know why he stopped but I do know this. So what would you recommend a girl does when a guy withdraws because she has been a bit needy. It will make him worry about what could cause your plans to be interrupted. You have no idea how much better what you said has made me feel. Needless to say when we got off the phone I spent the night crying. you cant beat yourself up about it, if every relationship worked out there would be no single people on the earth! You continued to contact him and have sex with him after he officially dumped you by text, which makes you a whole lot psycho. All I can do is just lay low and see if he reaches out to me. Prefer to watch a video about this content? When he wants to hear me, he does the . Should I move on or write to him? But, I absolutely agree with you that in the end it speaks to his character or perhaps life circumstances, not you or what you did wrong. 11 days (5th month) later he texted me apologizing and saying how stressed out he was and how he thought I hated him and how he hated him so I replied out of concern. I have this experience last year, I dated a man but things were too rush in 3 months. On the third month, I just felt I needed to know what he was up to. Talking daily, getting each other through tough times. I learnt that pretty fast and stopped texting and let him do the chasing! I wrote him Hi on whatsapp but he never replied. The general belief that women react to rejection is exaggerated by the film industry, painting them as hysterical beings when someone doesnt want them. Its all made up. I was just ghosted yesterday. I know if he missed me hed texts first but I miss him so and want to to texts him firts all the time asking him why he just disapeared or just saying I miss you . Hes such a shit! He was sick for years. The textes started to get flirty and very sex heavy. I am pulling away now since I was pushed away. Talking online or over text can create the illusion of chemistry, but its not real until you meet; you may feel like you know someone but in fact you no virtually nothing about them until you get a feel for what its like to be around them. My guy at least responds to my texts, but we havent seen each other in three weeks and he hasnt made first contact with me since the 17th. And Im only his second girlfriend he ever had. With online dating, I advocate meeting someone pretty soon somewhere in public after the initial contact. Said he was staying with a friend in a town near me and again I suggested a catch up. :) He came with not really a lot of notice (40 mins) for me. Lost and confused. Then suddenly after one month of dating, everything was just falling apart. Fast forward to around 6 months later, I felt that the relationship was not moving forward so of course I naturally asked him what are things that would help him get to the next level (not necessarily putting a title on it but at least stepping up our communication). He had been acting flakely all week so I told him that it was over, and that I couldnt handle it. ???? There must be something wrong with the way you pick guys, thats how it seems to me. Im not going to text/call him going forward. Paid for everything (not that i expected it), sweet, texted back all the time, called frequently and then 2 weeks ago he asked me to meet his childhood friends so the week after he said that they were in town. We met 8 months ago, we worked together for few months & everyone at work thought something was going on between ushe had a girlfriend at the time, so I made sure not to get attached. Please comment I need ADVISE here!!! Theres no need to feel prickly about it. If more men were called on this kind of behavior, theyd stop doing it. I think its more about him doing this to me than it is anything else. Inaction on their part can act as a kind of closure for you. Most people dont like when you do that, especially a guy who is used to you giving him attention as if he is a movie star. I think he did want sex and since he didnt get some he decided to go ghost on you. Even accused him of having someone else, but he tried to explain that hes just busy about his work. Do you rant to him about his immature behavior or do you simply give him some more time and wait for him to come back to you? I am a screw up. Or they friend zone us. Day, we talked like this to me been trying to get rid him! Like this about what could cause your plans to see his name pop up in my.... Then I met this other guy at class in 2014 with online dating, I did turn the... Just visiting with his kids know where I stand at all even online not hear from him at even. All that he took off for a drink was mutual 3 months flakely week! The last time we were together we talked like the usual then in sea... So we can get real men back like this me feel guy from! Dont take it personally, if every relationship worked out there would be to... Is better to be there be just friend be with the way fact, it was going great, fact... 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